Obstetrics and Gynaecology
We offer a wide range of treatments in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Evya Hospital the Best Gynecology Hospital in Vanasthalipuram, from yearly preventative women’s checkups to sophisticated medical and surgical care of women during their reproductive and post reproductive years, including urogynecology care. We deliver first-rate medical care while acknowledging the psychological and interpersonal elements of gynecologic issues and offering the assistance required in these areas. Gynecologists, obstetricians, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, and specially trained gynecologic nurses and social workers make up the highly skilled, multidisciplinary treatment team that works with patients. The treating team includes the patient, the patient’s family, and the referring doctor.
We provide young women with proper, preventative gynecologic care who are worried about menstrual irregularities, contraceptive technologies, and stress. We offer counselling and therapeutic treatment for middle-aged women going through the peri- and post-menopause as they finish their families. When medicinal treatment is ineffective, we provide cutting-edge treatments, such as same-day laparoscopic surgery and trans cervical procedures to remove fibroids and control bleeding.

From common pelvic pain and period-related issues to more serious conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts or ovarian cancers, or uterus-related issues.
Our team of Best Gynecologist Doctor in Vanasthalipuram at EVYA Hospitals accurately diagnoses and treats a wide range of medical conditions that exclusively affect women. These conditions range from fungal or viral infections, common pelvic pain, and period-related issues.
We also do both modern and traditional hysterectomy operations as well as treat menopause, early pregnancy symptoms, and infertility disorders.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Treatments & Procedures by Best Gynecologist Doctor in Vanasthalipuram
We provide diagnostic methods to assess female incontinence and medicinal and surgical treatments to enhance pelvic floor and urine function. The department performs abdominal and vaginal operations such vaginal suspension and urinary sling procedures. We provide a range of abdominal, laparoscopic, and transcervical operations, such as the removal of fibroids and ovarian cysts, and we also treat endometriosis and irregular, heavy vaginal bleeding in women.
Best Gynecologist Doctor in Vanasthalipuram provides a wide range of healthcare services that fulfil the needs of women through all the stages of life, starting from pre-conception planning and pregnancy to menopause and beyond.
Our cutting-edge surgical treatments include laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, laparoscopic sling and vaginal suspension procedures, advanced laparoscopic surgical procedures for adhesions, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis, and trans-cervical procedures to control uterine bleeding and remove uterine fibroids projecting into the uterine cavity as well as prolapse of the uterus.
Our doctors frequently perform the following procedures and surgeries: adhesiolysis, cervical biopsies, colposcopies, dilation and curettage (D&C), endometrial ablation, uterine or endometrial biopsies, fluid-contrast ultrasound (FCUS), hysterectomy, hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy, myomectomy, oophorectomy, pelvic ultrasound, pelviscopy, uterine suspensions, uterine (artery) fibroid embolization (UFE) and vulvectomy, vaginal vault, trachelectomy, toluidine blue dye test.